Chess Game using C++

A chess game in C++ with multiplayer using console graphics.

I created this project back in 2009 when I was a sophomore in 3rd semester in graduation as a learning project in C++. I used simple console graphics using various characters with various colors by cout<< identifier.

Tools & Technologies

  • C++
  • Dev C++ Compiler

Chess Game Chess Game
Select Piece Select Piece

profile card
Wajahat Karim
🌍 Making the world a better place, one app at a time.
🔥 Google Developer Expert (GDE) in Android . 📱 Professional Android Developer with ~10 years experience. 💻 Creator of various Open Source libraries on Android . 📝 Author of two technical books and 100+ articles on Android. 🎤 A passionate Public Speaker giving talks all over the world.
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Wajahat Karim

🔥 Google Dev Expert (GDE) in Android .
📱 Android Dev. 💻 Open Source Contributor . 📝 Technical Writer . 🎤 Public Speaker

Senior Android Developer

Karachi, Pakistan