Zong 4G Experience

This app allows the Zong franchise visitors to compare the internet speed of mobile internet and Zong 3G internet. Users are asked to choose their segment according to their age, gender, and profession. Then they are asked to perform various internet activities such as making a Viber call, sending WhatsApp messages, browsing any website in mobile browser, or checking Facebook/Twitter feeds.

Tools & Technologies

  • Android SDK
  • Android Studio

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Wajahat Karim
🌍 Making the world a better place, one app at a time.
🔥 Google Developer Expert (GDE) in Android . 📱 Professional Android Developer with ~10 years experience. 💻 Creator of various Open Source libraries on Android . 📝 Author of two technical books and 100+ articles on Android. 🎤 A passionate Public Speaker giving talks all over the world.
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Wajahat Karim

🔥 Google Dev Expert (GDE) in Android .
📱 Android Dev. 💻 Open Source Contributor . 📝 Technical Writer . 🎤 Public Speaker

Senior Android Developer

Karachi, Pakistan